Compassion Cultivation Training (CCT)

A human being is a part of the whole called by us "universe", a part llimited in time and spece. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousnes. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatuers and the whole of nature in its beauty.

~Albert Einstein

Let’s Begin

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Compassion Cultivation Training (CCT) is an 8-week course that uses techniques from psychology, neuroscience, and contemplative practice to activate and traing participants' own compassionate nature. Developed at Stanford University, CCT is evidence-based (see research here) and integrates meditation techniques, interactive exercises, discussion, and lecture to establish the habit of relating to yourself, others, and the wold from a place of greater understanding, joy, and purpose.

Twin Lakes Counseling is proud to offer this course to participants world-wide via Zoom. All courses are taught and facilitated by our Clinical Director, Laura Wallace, PhD, LMFT, who is a CCT Certified Teacher through the Compassion Institute. See below for upcoming trainings!

Change is possible. Our team is invested in the continual and lasting growth of our clients, providing meaningful support that empowers you to write your own story.

Call 253-289-6099 or Contact Us Online

Upcoming Trainings


CCT for Therapists & Counselors

July 13 - Aug 31, 2021

Tuesdays, 4 - 6 pm PST

As mental health professionals, maintaining a healing, compassionate space especially during crisis requires reserves of energy and resilience that can be difficult to replenish. This class draws on spiritual, contemplative, and neuroscientific perspectives to care for the caretaker in a way that increases emotional and psychological reserves. Join other therapists as you recover from burnout and delve into a journey to uncover and expand your own natural capacity for compassion.

Sign Up Here


Compassion Cultivation Training (CCT)

October 19th - December 7th, 2021

Tuesdays, 4 - 6 pm PST

Open to everyone, with dates finishing just before the holidays, our Fall 2021 offering of CCT is designed to refresh your love and compassion as the year draws to a close. This class pulls from spiritual, contemplative, and neuroscientific perspectives to explore the concepts of compassion in a way that feeds rejuvination and increases emotional and psychological reserves. Join others eager to escalate joy in the world as you delve into a journey to uncover and expand your own natural capacity for compassion.

*14 CEUs available for mental health professionals (LMFTs, LMHCs, and LICSWs) for an additional $70 per registration.

Sign Up Here

A Note About Cost

Because these classes are not therapy, it is not possible to use insurance to cover the cost. In order to make this 8-week course accessible to people from all walks of life, we offer these classes at a choose-your-price model:

  • $200 is our reduced rate ($25 per class) 
  • $320 is our full rate ($40 per class) -- this is the cost to TLC of providing the group and covering all costs
  • $440 is our "Love and Equity" rate ($55 per class), which supports our ability to offer these classes at the reduced rate

You are encouraged to select a rate with your own financial comfort in mind. We will value you for your attendance and interest in this training, not for which of the amounts you pay.

Many thanks to our dear colleagues at Resonant Relationships for introducing us to this idea and for modeling it so well in their provision of group therapy!

*Payment is due before the start of the first class unless other arrangements have been made in advance.


Change is possible. Our team is invested in our clients' continual and lasting growth, providing meaningful support that empowers you to write your own story.

Call 253-289-6099 or Contact Us Online

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